Saturday, October 20, 2012

Race Week: The Deets and a Way for YOU (Yes, You) to Participate

One week from today, I run my first in-person 5K race. Am I nervous? Does my Lab have nasty farts?*

Some folks have started to ask me about details, so I'm leaving the link right here. If you are in town, if you feel like getting up early on a Saturday, schlepping yourself downtown, and paying for parking, you are, of course, welcome. Keep in mind that even though my race starts at 8AM, if you want to wait at the finish line with Mister and Miss, I will take 35-40 minutes to complete the run. If you want to cheer along the route on Allen Parkway, you'll have to get up a little earlier, but at least there's a chance to find free parking.

If, however, you don't want to attend (or are unable to), but you do want to cheer me on, I have an opportunity for you! Take a picture or make a video of yourself holding a sign like one of these, and e-mail them to me darcy (dot) casavant (at) gmail (dot) com.** I'll post submissions this week, and there just might be a little sumpin-sumpin for your effort.

In the meantime, everybody go out and do something you love! The weather is gorgeous!

* Yes.
** I'm going to assume you are intelligent enough to translate that into a viable e-mail address. You can also ping me on FB.