Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today's Run (or Thank You, Pod People)

Have you ever had one of those nights where you aren't sure if you actually slept? Time passes, and consciousness is fuzzy. There may be actual sleep eventually, ruined by the alarm.

I tell you that to tell you this: I can not be sure this morning was not a hallucination.

Obviously a bad night of sleep, but I headed out to run anyhow. Tweaked Mister's toe on my way, as he had mentioned he had to get up early. Cool morning. Fast time (for me).

When I returned, there were more lights on than when I left. Mister was finishing his shower, and Miss was eating breakfast. Miss picked her clothes and dressed herself without a fuss; there was even time enough to do her hair.* We were out of the house by quarter after. Miss was easily and happily secured at day care. I was 10 minutes early to work.

Just to clarify: I am the only Morning Person in my household. I can only assume the above events are: a) a hallucination; or b) the work of Pod People. But if this behavior is repeatable, I will be extremely happy. With starting Kindergarten next week, mornings are going to be a whole new game. I told Mister very clearly that I am not giving up my morning runs.

Thank you, Pod People, for my new family. You can leave me intact if you like.**

* It's been such a long time since I've done her hair that the part was outrageously crooked. I would like to be able to say her father was involved. Since there were braids as well, no one would believe me.
** Unless, the Pod Person Me is 60lbs lighter. Then, you can totally do that.