Monday, November 26, 2012

Today's Swim OR Take Courage Monday

Got going early this morning for water weight training. Pool was super full. I'm assuming post-holiday guilt for some, although I am beginning to recognize who the "regulars" are.

As for myself, I felt wonderfully stretched out in the water--like an otter. Okay, maybe an Otter Pop. Or a Tootsie Pop. But probably more like a Tootsie Roll.

Doesn't matter. I showed up. So there.

And speaking of holidays, I seem to have maintained my weight. Plus I'm having to change out rings--some too big, some finally fitting again. It's the little things.

A couple things that inspired me this weekend:

1) This video that's making the rounds on FB

2) This thought-provoking discussion on vulnerability that hit me on multiple levels.

Be encouraged! Be the One--for someone else or yourself!

Happy Monday!