Thursday, December 27, 2012

201.2 in 2012

I have walked 201.2 miles since January 2012. I knew I was going to pass the 200 mile mark this morning, but I didn't know the number would be so wonderfully clever.

I know walking isn't as sexy as running, but I also know that I only really have a small window for my running activity. Walking will always be there--cheap, easy, readily available. Walking will always be my fall-back position, and I know I can do it for years to come.

In walking this year, I've learned:

  • It's not the intensity; it's the consistency.
  • I've come to really depend on some kind of activity to manage my emotional levels.
  • Nice people live in my neighborhood.
  • My neighborhood has a variety of birds and wildlife that I wouldn't expect in an urban area.
  • Despite a lot of light pollution, I can still watch the movement of the stars throughout the year.
  • There's also an annual rhythm to man-made lights, from home decorations to floodlights at the high school stadium.
  • I love the company of my dogs. I haven't had the courage to walk both of them by myself yet, so each walk is one-on-one time. Each dog opens my senses to a new way of seeing.
  • I've also learned to like my own company and being aware of my own body rhythms.
  • Weight loss is a byproduct, not a motivator.
Again, everyone who has been encouraging me this past year at all levels of my activity--THANK YOU!

And if you've been inspired but feel overwhelmed, go take a walk today to feel good today. Then go again tomorrow. Then the day after. Just go.

I'll see you for the next 200 miles ... or more.