I'm sad that summer is wrapping up. Yes, it's hot and work is hell and I can't seem to fit in a vacation, but I can truly sleep in some days and home life is less stressful. Then tenor of things changes when school starts, so I'm enjoying things while I can.
According to the half training plan I've settled on, I have another month before getting going. So this month I'm going to try to finish up the bulk of Zombies, Run! Season 2 and add in some weight work.
I also may have signed up for another race.
Here's the thing: I have a friend who has been killing it this summer! He's finishing up C25K, he's been doing a crunch challenge, he's lost a ton of weight--all while working full time and doing a local production of Hairspray! So when he mentioned an interest in Foam Glow, how could I not? (Also: coupon.)
Yes, it's another let's-cover-you-in-color runs, but I never miss a chance to go with a friend.
Plus bubbles.
So natch I'm thinking what to wear. I thought about grabbing some wings, but an inventory of my own wardrobe suggests not gilding this particular lily--I've got a white tutu and loads of neon stuff that will light up in black light. I may splurge with some neon lipstick or something.
This month is about grabbing the Happy before starting the Work.