Saturday, August 31, 2013

August in Review

Miles covered: 56.5 miles

If I were travelling from Bag End to Rivendell, I would have entered the land of the Trollshaws and the path would be getting steeper.

No races this month. 

Although I ran no races this month, a major triumph was completing the C25K program, at least to the extent that I can run 30 minutes continuously. Actually continuously running a 5K has yet to be tested. Since I have a couple of virtual races that I need to knock out, I will probably make the attempt either Monday or Tuesday.

My focus has now turned to the 10 miler I will be doing at the end of the month. This morning I completed six miles, something which I have not done since my gallbladder exploded in May. It was a slog--hot and humid. While I did see a general improvement on my feeling of endurance, I did not see improvement in my time. FAIL Voice keeps reminding me of my time limit for the race--02:45:00. Although I don't want to "think into being" anything, I've been preparing myself for a DFL.

What I'm most afraid of is a DNF. Part of me wants to go safe and just do the 5 mile race. But I know I will be furious with myself if the only reason I didn't do it was simply because I was too afraid to try. (Not to mention there's a finisher medal at stake.) A month is a lifetime when it comes to training, and this whole journey is about being bold.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Besides adding in distance to my training, I had been struggling with finding cross-training since I still have some post-surgery restrictions that won't end for another couple weeks. After floundering around, I finally settled on my old bellydancing DVDs. These seem to provide the stretching, core work, and resistance training that my body can handle right now. It's finally a "good hurt" rather than wondering if I've damaged something again. I've also seen a noticeable return of my waistline.

Pattern from Knits for Nerds based on
the dress from the latest Star Trek movie.
Difficult to see, but my necklace is
a science officer insignia. I know.
Speaking of, I know I always say it's not about the weight; in fact, I have gained back three pounds since my big post-surgery weight loss. HOWEVER, I am seeing NSVs in how my clothes fit.  I finished knitting a tunic that I had started when I was convalescing in a size that would have once been too small for my bust. My once way-too-tight jeans are now comfortable, even loose. I comfortably wear women's cut t-shirts without worrying about my boobs deforming the design (although the muffin top is still in residence if I don't take care).

Segueing into t-shirts, I've started a Wednesday thing on my Facebook page in featuring nerd-themed tech tees. Subreferencing t-shirts are a staple of most nerd wardrobes, but the only t-shirts I wear regularly are ones that I run in.* (I admit that I have become enough of a running nerd to prefer performance fabric.) Part of embracing this version of me as athlete has been finding a way to fold in the nerd identity that used to hold me back.** Oddly enough, I'm finding others in the same mindset as I am. All this to say that I got a shirt in the mail today that I can't wait to post about on Wednesday.

So much of this whole thing is brain-work, and I know how to do that; the body will follow.

* In my "civilian" (aka non-running) wardrobe, I show my geek pride in my jewelry. That way I can still dress professionally yet still send the correct signals to my Tribe.
**In other words, finally telling myself that "nerd" and "athlete" are not mutually exclusive; if anything, running is probably the "nerdiest" of the sports.